



Assessing fertility potential through specific blood/saliva/urine tests is key to helping patients optimize their fertility. Prudent advice, Acupuncture and some supplements can be used to help patients regulate period cycles, improve sperm quality, optimize ovulation and establish healthy hormone balance whether trying naturally or using ovulation medication, IUI, IVF, ICSI.


Recurrent miscarriage can be caused by several different factors including hormone deficiencies or a hormone imbalance, blood clotting factors or genetic factors.  Hormone, thyroid and blood tests can be used to help identify potential causes of miscarriage.  Medications, supplements and counseling can help increase the likelihood of a successful pregnancy.



Saliva and urine tests can be used to help identify hormonal factors contributing to irregular periods.  Diet and lifestyle counseling, acupuncture and specific supplements help to regulate hormones, period cycles and treat the underlying cause of irregular cycles without the use of birth control pills.

Irregular periods


PCOS is caused by a hormonal imbalance, insulin resistance and inflammation.  Women suffering from PCOS can experience irregular periods, lack of ovulation, acne, coarser thicker hair on the face and/or body, weight gain or inability to lose weight and fertility problems.  Hormone and blood testing are used to identify underlying hormonal imbalances causing PCOS symptoms.  Treatment for PCOS include diet and lifestyle counseling, Acupuncture, supplements and herbs to correct the hormonal imbalance, regulate cycles, ovulation and help women manage their PCOS symptoms.

(Polycystic ovarian syndrome)


Periods are supposed to come and go “like a thief in the night” according the Chinese Medical texts.  Nutrient deficiencies, uterine fibroids, endometriosis and hormone imbalances are among some of the reasons some women experience painful and/or heavy periods.  Hormone and/or blood/urine tests can help identify underlying reasons for painful and/or heavy periods and a combination of a hormone-friendly diet, Acupuncture, specific supplements, lifestyle and hormone replacement therapy can greatly improve how women manage their periods.

Painful, heavy periods


PMS and PMDD are due to hormonal imbalances affecting mood, energy, skin, digestion, sleep quality and relationships.  Treatments for PMS and PMDD include Acupuncture, specific supplements, bioidentical hormone therapy, counseling and a hormone-friendly diet can all help women better manage their symptoms and improve quality of life.



Women do not have to suffer from menopausal symptoms of hot flashes, nightsweats, insomnia, anxiety, irregular periods, vaginal dryness, low libido.  Hormone levels can be tested to assess hormonal imbalances causing these symptoms.  Treatment can include bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, supplements, diet and lifestyle advice resulting in much more manageable symptoms and improved quality of life.



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Digestive symptoms such as gas, bloating, diarrhea and constipation can affect one’s overall quality of life. Treat the underlying cause of your digestive symptoms causing “IBS”, colitis, SIBO, Crohn’s, celiac.  Treatment includes identifying and eliminating food sensitivities, decreasing gut inflammation, healing the gut lining and re-establishing healthy gut bacteria using digestive aids and an individualized diet.



Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth causes symptoms of bloating that can be painful, gas, looser stools sometimes alternating with bouts of constipation.  This is due to an overgrowth of bacteria from the colon in the small intestine.  Chronic constipation, motility issues, anatomical abnormalities, aging, celiac disease, diabetes and certain medications can all contribute to SIBO.


Heartburn is a symptom of acid from the stomach irritating the lining of the esophagus causing a “burning” sensation.  Treating acid reflux involves adjusting the diet and certain dietary/lifestyle habits while healing the esophagus with supplements to hasten healing and reduce upper GI inflammation.






Stress is a fact of life. But when stress starts to feel unmanageable, cortisol testing and other lab tests can be used to assess organic causes of stress and the how physical and mental/emotional stress are affecting our bodies and our well-being. Treatments include correcting hormonal imbalances and any nutrient deficiencies, supporting adrenal function through specific supplements or compounded medications, diet and lifestyle counseling and talk therapy




One’s ability and resources to manage stress can lead to anxiety, depression, fatigue and overall quality of life.  A thoughtful line of questions is used to help identify sources and causes of anxiety and distress.  A multi-faceted approach using counseling, diet, lifestyle, supplements, exercise and sometimes medications can help make anxiety  much more manageable and help patient’s re-gain better quality of life.



Depression affects 35% of Canadians.  Symptoms of depression include low mood, fatigue, poor or excessive appetite, poor or excessive need for sleep, crying, low libido, poor function at work or school, social life, weight and overall quality of life.  A mutli-faceted approach using counseling, diet, lifestyle, supplements, exercise, Acupuncture and sometimes medications can help make depression much  more manageable and improve quality of life.





Eczema is a hypersensitivity reaction causing inflammation of the skin.  A thorough line of questions, family history and food sensitivity testing are among the tools used to identify the underlying causes of eczema.  Treatments may include eliminating food sensitivities, specific supplements, medication, counseling and lifestyle factors that are contributing to the eczema.



Psoriasis is caused by an autoimmune reaction triggering the immune system and affecting the skin.  Identifying and decreasing the triggers helps with the resolution of psoriasis and ability to manage psoriasis.  Treatments may involve dietary advice, supplements, medication, counseling and addressing lifestyle factors to make psoriasis more manageable.



Acne can negatively affect one’s self-esteem.  Hormone imbalances, food sensitivities and diet and lifestyle factors can all contribute to acne.  Acne can be successfully treated using dietary advice, skin care recommendations, supplements, medications and counseling to balance the hormones and inflammation causing acne and acne scars.





For effective and long-lasting weight loss, blood tests can be used to identify food sensitivities, thyroid issues causing fatigue and weight gain, improving insulin function through appropriate diet and exercise, improving digestion and elimination., Dietary and lifestyle counseling are individualized to help each patient reach their weight and health goals.



Fatigue can be caused by nutrient deficiencies, anemia, thyroid issues, poor quality sleep or inadequate quality sleep, low mood or adrenal fatigue.  Blood/saliva/urine tests can be used to determine organic causes of fatigue. Rebalancing blood sugar through dietary suggestions, improving sleep quality through healthy sleep hygiene, hormone balance, supplements that help re-establish circadian rhythm and quality of sleep and ruling out sleep apnea or need for sleep study/test can greatly improve one’s energy and quality of life.